For the past four years that the school paper of Tablon National High School is functioning as campus press, the only thing that questions the organizers of Press Conferences is its name.
The Acummittesse, is a conglomeration of three words - acumen, emissary and librettist - all of which has very deep meaning to the nature and role of campus journalism. Yet, there is no way that one can get it in a first encounter. A template on top of being really catchy, should be familiar. Like the words used should be universal that one cannot feel the necessity of asking 'what's it again?'
Hence for this present school year 2009-2010, a new name will be imprinted as our official school paper: The Radiant Banner!
The debut of this official web publication will also bear the name.
Alumni of TNHS can anytime get updated of what is new with their Alma Mater through this site. Riding on with this technology can reach out even those who are abroad.
The introductory part of the Tablon Hymn would go like these:
Wave high, the radiant banner
Emblem of the Tablon High
Well-spring of truth and virtue...
It is in our school hymn, that should explain why the radiant banner.